Discount Codes / Voucher Codes
Here at C & A Building Products we value giving all our customers the best of value, but we have noticed that some customers search the internet looking for discount / voucher codes and then visit other ‘voucher code’ websites.
We wish to make it very clear that we DO NOT work with any of these companies, and the codes they fabricate are not going to be valid. Most of these sites are phishing for your data and earn money by displaying you other adverts with pay per impression payments (AdWords and others).
If we do have any special offers, they are usually communicated on the product pages, our Facebook page, in store or on email to customers. To be in the know, please either consider subscribing to the Facebook page and or email list, or you can email / call us to ask if we have any special offers / clearance items.
If you would like to know more about our discounting policies then take a look at this section about our Volume Discount.