FAQ Polycarbonate Roofing Sheets

How to cut polycarbonate roof sheet? In simple terms it requires a fine tooth bladed saw, a long time ago we wrote a detailed explanation and even did a video in the infancy of YouTube. Please see our dedicated page about it here: https://www.cabp.co.uk/How-to-cut-polycarbonate-roofing-sheet
Are polycarbonate sheets good for roofing? Yes polycarbonate sheets have been used for roofing since the 1970’s and is still a very popular option today. Polycarbonate sheets cover large areas quickly, are light weight, easy to cut and so are ideal for the DIYer or builder when making patios, carports, or conservatories.
What thickness polycarbonate should I use for roof? The thickness of polycarbonate sheet to use for your roof is always dictated by the application and attribute you want to take advantage of. Thicknesses of 4mm-10mm are usually used on small light weight structures such as greenhouses and needing very regular support. Thicknesses of 10mm, 16mm & 25mm are normally installed on open structures such as verandas, carports and canopies. Thicknesses of 25mm, 35mm & 40mm are normally used when the insulation properties of the sheet are deemed to be important and so tend to be used on enclosed structures like conservatories and commercial.
How long do polycarbonate roof panels last? Polycarbonate sheets used as a roofing have a UV coating on that the manufacturers normally give a 10 year lifespan. Our experience shows that well installed and maintained roofs last over 20 years from out repeat customers who delight in telling us.
Is polycarbonate roofing noisy in rain? Polycarbonate roofs are often considered to be noisy when it rains. This perception is because the polycarbonate sheets are used on buildings that do not then have insulation directly under the sheets because it would stop the desired light transmission. Felt, tiled or steel roofs normally then have insulation installed underneath that improves both noise and heat retention. The consideration and balance that needs to be made is how important natural daylight is compared to any noise from rain.
What is a major disadvantage of polycarbonate sheets? Polycarbonate has many advantages due to the impact strength, fire resistance, light / sight transmission and relative low cost; it does however have some characteristics that may be considered a disadvantage. The sheets are very flexible if in flat form, this disadvantage is often overcome by making it corrugated cellular (mulit wall) in structure. Polycarbonate is not an inherently UV stable product and so required a protective UV coating that manufacturers apply during extrusion for roof sheets to overcome this. Polycarbonate is a soft material in the terms of construction materials and so is more likely to scratch, when it comes to roofing this is normally not such a problem because of the light diffraction that already occurs from the corrugated or cellular structure of the roofing sheets.
Does polycarbonate yellow over time? Polycarbonate itself is not a UV stable product and needs additives / coatings to prevent the deterioration and going yellow over time. Manufacturers of roof sheets add these to either one side or sometimes both side of the sheet, it is therefore important when installing the sheet to ensure the UV coated side faces outwards. The UV coated side is mentioned on the cover sheet and convention is that the protective sheet with the writing on is the UV stabilised external face. This is why you see some roofs with the odd yellow panel, as this is the one installed upside down and so has aged much quicker than the others.
Can you walk on polycarbonate roofing? Polycarbonate roof sheets should not be walked on directly, if you wish to walk on the roof then crawling boards need to be used to spread the weight over a larger area and stop any point loads.
How much overhang should a polycarbonate roof have? Polycarbonate roof sheets, like many others should overhang the roof edge by 50mm (2 inch) so the water will run off into the middle of a standard gutter. If the overhang is larger then this can allow greater force on the sheets at this edge when in high winds and may cause damage.
Which is better PVC or polycarbonate roofing? Polycarbonate roof sheets are normally considered the better quality of roof sheet. This decision is normally only considered when thinking of corrugated roof sheets, and the polycarbonate is more robust / impact resistant than the PVC and tends to have less pigment colour to them but this can depend on the resin source and thickness of the sheets.
Why is my polycarbonate roof leaking? Polycarbonate sheets themselves are impervious to water, and therefore the leak is normally to do with one of the fittings used with it. Common reasons would be damage to the glazing bar top caps, issues around the flashing not being correct and fixing buttons being either under tightened (sealing washer not compressed correctly) or over tightened (the fixing is deflecting the sheet causing a valley to the fixing that is then not sealed properly).
Do polycarbonate roofs keep heat in? Polycarbonate roof sheets of multi layered design all keep the heat in to differing levels, and all tested for their insulation ‘U’ values which we display. A good rule of thumb is that the more layers (air pockets) and / or thickness of the sheet, the better the insulation is for keeping the heat in